ナノテクノロジーと走査型プローブ顕微鏡(SPM)に特化した「ナノ科学シンポジウム(NanoScientific Symposium Japan 2023 : NSSJ2023)」(https://event.nanoscientific.org/jp/2023)が10月27日10時~17時30分に、東京大学 浅野キャンパス 武田ホール(東京都文京区弥生2丁目11-16 武田先端知ビル5階:浅野正門入ってすぐ左手)での対面参加とオンライン参加からなるハイブリッド形式で開催される。
主催は関東学院大学材料・表面工学研究所とパーク・システムズ・ジャパンで、協賛はNanoScientificとヤマトマテリアル、Ark Station、後援は日刊工業新聞社とメカニカル・テック社。
科学技術の革新によりナノ科学では材料、表面を計測・解析する方法も各種発展している。特に、SPMの登場により、 ナノレベルでの表面計測・解析の基礎技術としての重要性が日々増している。ナノ科学シンポジウム(NSSJ)は、走査型プローブ顕微鏡を用いた 材料科学、半導体およびライフサイエンス分野の最先端の研究情報を共有・交換するSPMユーザーシンポジウムで、今回のNSSJ 2023では、科学に変革をもたらすSPMの幅広い応用と技術に焦点を当て、先端技術のための新しいナノ材料、機能性表面、さらにナノテクノロジーやSPMを使った応用技術についても紹介する。
特別講演 タイトル未定
西 和彦氏(日本先端工科大学(仮称)設置準備委員会 特別顧問)
田中 悟氏(九州大学大学院工学研究院 教授)
富沢祥江氏(太陽誘電 開発研究所 材料開発部)
3D Heterogeneous Integrated System Chip Technology
G.P. Li 氏(カリフォルニア大学 教授)
The combination of Internet of Things (IOT) and deep machine learning (AI) at edge is emerging as an universal solution in various industrial sectors. It is envisioned under IOT/AI that a new ecosystem will be established to transform fundamentally how human will interact with physical world, leading to truly industry revolution. Consequently, it promises a great potential to address and solve some of the challenges facing the world today such as resource and energy productivity, environmental sustainability, and demographic change. To enable such a future smart edge system, one needs to research physical mechanisms and mathematical algorithms for multi-sensor data fusion, to research manufacturing processes for implementation of the edge system, and to develop on-time and real-time prediction and adaptive control/learning. New 3D heterogeneous integrated system (HIS) chip engineering technologies will be explored in order to address these emerging demands in future smart edge systems.
In this talk, we will first describe the nature of the future smart edge system and its applications. Then a 3D heterogeneous integrated microchip technology architecture enabling AI is proposed. Manufacturing methods for designing, fabricating, and integrating sensing, wireless communication and AI in 3D HIS chip technology will be discussed for implementing smart cyber-physical-human-environment system as an intelligent platform for future edge system. 3D heterogeneous integrated system will also enable nanoelectronics beyond Moore’s integrated circuits paradigm, next generation of cyber physical edge intelligence science and technologies, and beyond human machine interaction. The proposed HIS chip technology will unite individual discipline research efforts into a 3D system with multiple functions mimicking holistic human cognitive functions in a technology platform.
能崎幸雄氏(慶應義塾大学 理工学研究科 教授)
AFM Methodologies for Quality Assessment of Lithium-ion Battery Electrodes
Seong-Oh (Jake) Kim氏(Park Systems)
Lithium-ion based batteries (LIBs) are widely used as portable energy storage devices in various applications, including smartphones, laptops, and electric vehicles. Understanding the interplay between morphology and electronic properties at the nanometer scale is crucial for advancing the performance and quality control of LIBs.
This study provides a brief introduction to the basic principles of batteries and highlights the analysis of lithium-ion battery materials using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The structure and composition of LIB electrodes, including active materials, conductive materials, and binders, are discussed. The role of active materials in the cathode and anode, and their impact on battery capacity and power, is highlighted. The challenges associated with volume changes and structural evolution of electrode materials during charge-discharge cycles are also addressed.
AFM is presented as a versatile platform for investigating the morphology and electrical properties of LIB materials at the micro- and nano-meter spatial resolutions. The ability of AFM to provide correlative information, including topography and electrical properties, such as resistance and local work function and the application of AFM in studying electrode materials for LIBs, including characterization of pristine materials, evaluation of electrode fabrication processes, and probing mechanical and electrical degradations caused by cycling, are highlighted. AFM is recognized as a valuable tool for gaining insights into the degradation mechanisms of LIBs and advancing the development of next-generation battery technologies.
嘉数 誠氏(佐賀大学大学院理工学研究科 教授)
荒川太郎氏(横浜国立大学 理工学部 数物・電子情報系学科 教授)
中嶋 健氏(東京工業大学 物質理工学院 教授)
2023年9月26日 (火曜日)